
Showing posts from June, 2020

Relevancy of Gandhian economics in the post covid-19 world

In India, back to the ‘normal’ economics of GDP or towards a more hu man and more local economics? After 1947, India had two alternatives : it could run behind the West to catch up; or it could take the path which was less chosen, following Gandhian Economics approach for human development. But, instead of Gandhian approach, India chose the former one which tilts towards the growth of GDP. Gandhian economics approach is based on development of human beings. Gandhi said that  unless the people of India's villages have economic and social freedom, India can't be free. This was his vision of 'purana swaraj.' Gandhi and his economic advisors understood the power of villages'  people and local communities, better than the economists of India's planning commission did. Poor people were merely statistics for other economists. According to Gandhi, economics must serve for basic human needs. The purpose of investment should not be merely  GDP growth, it should be human d...

PM Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore's economic miracle

Suffer from a port to a developed nation              Former PM - Lee Kuan Yew.                 A nation which was founded in 1965 has arisen as a economic giant with in a few decades. Singapore is one of the richest countries that per capita income are too positive. It has become an attractive center of MNCs ( Multi National Corporations ). It has also emerged as a tourist destination where everyone wants to spend his/her time. The way of its economic success passed through the  lots of struggle & a wise mindset. Its planned & employees favourable policy had proved a stepping stone for its industrial growth. Lee Kuan Yew  , a former PM and founding  father of modern Singapur, laid down it as a "economic giant." He declared that Singapore would become the first developed country in Asia, when it was founded in 1965. The measure of his strategy was always per capita incomes of Singapore...