
Showing posts from May, 2020

Covid-19 exposes : Errors in India's migrant policy

Covid-19 exposes : Errors in India's migrant policy     ( Besides addressing the immediate distress conditions of migrants, the states need to think of  long - term solutions )     Introduction : Migration   is the necessary & it can't be stopped but the way of migration & living conditions of the migrants people can be changed. Some errors has emerged from India's migrant policy due to Coronavirus crisis. Seasonal migration is one of the most critical issues of our time. It has become a mammoth problem for Indian government in amid of this crisis. Covid-19 has ,the first time, brought migration to the center stage of public health and disaster response in India.                             In the past, a mass exodus would take place because of a disaster such as a famine, drought, flood & regional conflicts. It would be take place in a area where such a calami...

Impacts of lockdown & Coronavirus : Out of the world economy

I ntroduction : More than half of the world                                             population are still going through a worldwide lockdown due to a Coronavirus crisis. It is a unique pandemic which has overcome on the planet Earth with in few days so far. Millions of people are compelled to stay at homes. Environment, cities, tourist places, streets, roads & Bridges can be seen quite quiet & clean since two to three fortnights. I would like to mention that Covid - 19 is just like a long lasting actual film where doctors, nurses, sweepers & all others are real heroes. In this film, villain is too small named SARS nCov - 2 and public is a just back stage helper. Everyone knows that world economy has been badly affected to this crisis. Many famous economists & world organizations have indicated about carnage & recession in world economy for comi...