Impacts of lockdown & Coronavirus : Out of the world economy

Introduction : More than half of the world                                             population are still going through a worldwide lockdown due to a Coronavirus crisis. It is a unique pandemic which has overcome on the planet Earth with in few days so far. Millions of people are compelled to stay at homes. Environment, cities, tourist places, streets, roads & Bridges can be seen quite quiet & clean since two to three fortnights. I would like to mention that Covid - 19 is just like a long lasting actual film where doctors, nurses, sweepers & all others are real heroes. In this film, villain is too small named SARS nCov - 2 and public is a just back stage helper.
Everyone knows that world economy has been badly affected to this crisis. Many famous economists & world organizations have indicated about carnage & recession in world economy for coming days including IMF, WORLD BANK, ASIAN BANK & many nobel laureate economists. Millions of people have entered into economically poor stage. Lots of businessman, companies & private sectors have ruined. Although many online based companies are continuesly improving their technical & economical conditions.

                But sorry, I will not talk about these economic loss  which is known by everybody . I will talk about those impacts of world wide lockdown & pandemic which is known by only few. But these impacts & changes are too important & big than impact of economic loss.
Always remember, an economic loss can be coverd, in few years, by any nation. But the changes of socially , mentally & behavioural can not be brought in few years. It take the decades & even centuries. In this article, I will talk about those changes & impacts of world wide lockdown & current pandemic which is not associated with economy but society & even ourselves

Impacts Of Lockdown & Virus : Out Of The World Economy

1. Socially Impacts
2. Mentally Impacts
3. Technical Impacts
4. Behavioural Impacts

1. Socially Impacts
                                            To understanding & analysis of social Impacts of world wide Lockdown & virus is very important for all. I won't talk about only positive Impacts but also talk about the negative Impacts of Lockdown.
We can see too many social changes all around our societies, villages, cities & States during the lockdown.

1) In our societies, people have actually         awared about any ailments during covid 19. In the past, the stage of awareness was too low. 

2) Specially, in the indian villages & even cities, people goes to temples & mosques for the relief of any ailment and apprehension. People also do some religious ritual. But now, we can see that victim people have not been going to temples & mosques. Instead of these , they are prefer to go to hospitals & clinics for recovery. It is a major change which has been seen during coronavirus crisis.

3) The level of being socialize with others can mitigate in future as all public parks , cafe, pub & other public gathering places are remain closed. People are also so afraid to come out of their homes & preferring to stay at homes.

4) In the past few days, many countries observed that the number of cases of domestic violence against women has been increasing & even been double.
Since, most of the people of a family stay at same house so, domestic violences & conflicts have become normal.

5) Official data refers that the rate of crimes & smuggling is also gradually decreasing because all roads, streets & cities are under supervision of Police with acute strictness.

6) It is fact that the internet has been exploring too fast and now, the rate of exploring it is continuously increasing among today's generation. Internet has both negative & positive effects.
During the lockdown, press has many times attracted our attention towards the online marriages & engagements.

2) Mentally Impacts :
                                         Mental is the mainstay of the human body. It controls our whole body. Happiness, sadness, anger, quietness, understanding power, emotions & all other analytical powers depend upon our mental
Now, you can think that how our mental is important for us ?.
So, human mind is like the machine of a factory, when machine is in good condition then absolutely factory's outputs is positive. Similarly, our body contains good health, positivity & courage because of our mental is in better condition & vice versa. 

Now, I am talking about those negative & positive Impacts on mental of lockdown & virus which are acute important for us.

1)  Depression is the worst & negative impact on mental health as it eradicates the human thoughts & even its thinking power. A depressed one hasn't control over it's own body & mind, who can do anything.
The questions during coronavirus crisis and lockdown, like what will happen in future?, will we alive or not?, What will be impact on one's job?. The questions which starts from 'What' & 'How', absolutely rise the depression & anxiety in human mind. So, it has observed that, in past few weeks, the cases related to mental health have been gradually increasing.

2).  We has been mentally week about any disease, before we weren't normally afraid due to any disease.

3)  Behavioural Impacts : 
                                                   Behavioural changes are imperative for both human being & nature. It can not be brought in few years, it takes decades.
But some natural & men made tragedies may bring behaviour changes in few months and, it is same time. 
Sars Cov -2 has changed human behaviour & in below, i am putting some facts about this.

1).  Earlier, spend time with family was not too in human behaviour but, now this crisis has changed human behaviour according to requirement. It is positive change. During worldwide lockdown, time spending with family became a human habit.

2).  Before Covid - 19 crisis, normally we were living with greediness. Most of us were living for self  not others & human being had become selfish. The word "help others" had been missing.
In past few days, after Corona crisis, the two words - help others & living for others, has been seen in human behaviour.
We are continuing see that everyone is trying to help the needy persons & patients without any self avail.
People are regularly donating food & money for others.
Doctors , policemen, sweepers & administrators have become heroes & everyone is saluting them.
Help & living for others are imperative habits & that has entered into human behaviour due to Corona crisis.

3).  The task of regularly staying home has made us very lazy & idle. Due to lockdown, we all have no work & most of us are staying free with no work. So we have become idle & lazy & this will influence us very negatively.

4). Due to social distancing norms, human being has been becoming alone & who are maintaining a distance from the public gathering programs & functions.
People are too afraid to go to park & any public place. The rate of being socialize may be mitigate.

4) Technological Impacts: 
                                         Technology  plays a very important role in human life & it makes our life very easy. Without technology, we can't overcome on any calamity or tragedy. Technology in medical science are playing a imperative role to contain spread of Corona infection.
I am mentioning some technological changes due to Corona crisis.

1).  Online shopping & robot delivery :  In 2002, the very fast growth had been seen in China's online marketplace & Corona pushed it.

2).  Digital Payment : Corona Virus may be spread through paper currency. It has compelled people to make payment through e- wallet & plastic money.

3). Work from home system has increased. VPN , Voiceover, Internet Protocol, vartul meeting & cloud technology are useful in it.

4).  School, Collage & other coaching centers are remain closed. So, in 191 countries, about 157 crore students  are trapped in homes. Therefore, distance learning, AI robotic teachers & online learning has been increasing for last few days.

5).  Screening, location tracing apps, Ventilators, PPE are playing imperative role in contain spread on Corona. So after this crisis, medical technology has gone a step ahead.

6).   Entertainment : Films & shows are releasing online. Virtual tours are being made by museums & heritage.

7).  Supply chain has affected very badly, so Big Data, Internet Of Things & Block chain technology are helping in management of supply chain.

8).  Drone based spray & 5G technology are also becoming a important part of our life.

Conclusion :
                         Out of the world Economy, the Impacts of coronavirus & worldwide lockdown are too vast.
At last, it can be said that a very small virus has changed the manners & ways of human life. It also has influenced the thought process , mental & behaviour of people.




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