Locusts in India : History of big outbreaks & LWO

The agricultural disaster - Locusts is a very old crisis that affects farmers worst. Locusts move, from one place to another, in the form of a large swarm. They have capacity to cover a long distance across the continents. They damage all trees, crops & flowers wherever they encamp. Locusts have been a mammoth problem for farmers in West Asia & East Africa since many decades.

When was the last big outbreak ?

A)  In Colonial Administration
India has been grappling with locust swarms since the Colonial Time. Scores of locust infestations as a major scourge and as a "plague" had occurred before 1947. There were serious outbreaks in 1812, 1821, 1843-44, 1863-67, 1869-73, 1876-81, 1889-98, 1900-1907 and 1912-1920.

B) After 1947
As the data provided by the Locust Warning Organization which headquarter is situated in Jodhpur (Raj.), From 1964 to 1997, India witnessed almost 13 locust plagues across the country. Another 5 major outbreaks exploded from 1997 to 2010. After the last big infestation in 2010, India had not seen any major locust swarms attack during 8 years.
In 2019, Gujrat and Rajasthan reported a significant surge in locust infestations. 3.5 lakh hectares of cumin, rapeseed and mustered were damaged in the  last year swarms attack. It was the worst attack since 1993.

Who keeps an eye on the locusts ?

A) Before 1947
The consequences of the 1926- 1931 major locust infestations prompted research into desert locust which began in 1931. The British Government had been compelled by back to back locust plagues, to take measures for containment of locust attacks. A few years research into desert locust led to the British Government for establishment of Locust Warning Organization (LWO) in Karachi (now in Pak.) in 1939.
LWO keeps out an eye for a specific species of the insect, the desert locust, sprang into the region from the Thar desert. It also closely tracks the movement of locust swarms and sprays toxic chemicals to stem their movement.

After 1947
After partition, Indian Government had shifted LWO headquarter in Jodhpur (Rajasthan). Now, it is a part of the Directorate Of Plant Protection Quarantine And Storage, under the Ministry of Agriculture.


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