
Showing posts from August, 2020

Link between Indian ocean dipole and locusts

Desert locusts is a awful threat for Indian agriculture sector. Since 2018, it has been a major problem for Indian farmers. Tens of thousands of hector crops have been ruined across India during last two years. There is a no lasting solution to stem this tragedy. Several parts of West Asia, Oman Yemen and horn of Africa - Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya are the main epicenters of locusts breading. Changing of climate in Indian Ocean may be a trigger for the breeding locusts. Positive Indian ocean dipole affects monsoon in South-West parts of Asia and Eastern parts of Africa. So, Indian ocean dipole is a primary cause of this breeding. Here, I am elaborating the detailed theory of Indian ocean dipole. If you have little knowledge about IOD  , then you can skip this segment of article and shift to next part. What is Indian ocean dipole? In simple words, change of temperature between Western and Eastern part of Indian Ocean - between Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal - is called IOD (In...

Hard Work vs Smart Work : An Exotic Tale
